On 31 August 2021, SMP held an informal session to connect with fellow SMP members over a specially curated dinner from Nude Seafood. The session started with a Mediation Trivia Quiz where members learnt more about the different aspects of mediation. Following that, members had a choice to join different breakout discussions based on the following themes:
(1) Chill and Chit Chat
In this session, fellow SMP members talked about anything under the sun! From online shopping to experience with online mediations, fellow SMP members enjoyed interacting with one another. There was even discussion about the theme of the next SMP event!
(2) Looking for mentors / mentees
In this session, SMP members shared what they hoped to learn from other experienced mediators and supported SMP’s approach on reaching out to meet the needs of its members. Some have suggested ideas, such as having a sub-committee to explore mentoring opportunities. SMP is keen to gather more feedback from its members on how to guide aspiring mediators.
(3) Sharing mediation experiences
In this session, some SMP members who are seasoned mediators shared their experiences and views about different aspects of mediation, such as the role of a mediation counsel. This provided valuable insights for other SMP members.
The session ended off with everybody learning more about mediation and making new friends over great food! SMP looks forward to organising such events for its members in the future.