The webinar, Mediators & Mental Health, took place as a pre-SMP AGM 2022 event at 6 p.m. 18 March via zoom.
We were honoured to have as guest speaker Ms Sophia Ang, Senior Director of the Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at the Family Justice Courts. Ms Ang first shared with the audience the characteristics of good mental health. Then she proceeded to talk about some of the signs and symptoms of burnout, more specifically, that which may arise from mediation. The audience learnt how burnout could affect our physical and psychological health, thereby affecting our effectiveness as mediators. For instance, burnout could impact our ability to multitask, our memory and even our attention. Finally, Ms Ang discussed how we could deal with burnout by “guarding our minds”.
The audience found the webinar interesting and appreciated the personal sharing by the speaker and other attendees.