Mediation and Conflict Resolution – The Bhutan Experience [Event Summary]

Oct 26, 2019 | Events, Talks

On 24 October 2019, members of the Society of Mediation Professionals (Singapore) were privileged to learn about the Bhutanese model of conflict resolution from Assistant Professor Stephan Sonnenberg, who teaches at the Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law.

The interesting and lively talk by Stephan highlighted a great number of themes and issues relevant to dispute resolution – for instance how history, policy, societal needs, religion and culture determine and shape the practice, development and adoption of dispute resolution processes.

The session concluded after an engaging Q&A dialogue. Members asked questions and shared thoughts about the future of dispute resolution and legal education in Bhutan, which also provided much food for thought for reflecting about the teaching, practice and evolution of mediation here in Singapore.

Many thanks again to Assistant Professor Stephan Sonnenberg for taking precious time off to speak about this important subject.