The Society of Mediation Professionals hosted two events at Singapore Convention Week 2024.
SMP first signed an MOU with Belt and Road Mediation Centre (BNRMC) at the launch of their center to promote mediation in the region. Keynote speeches were delivered by Dr Wang Li, Chairman of BnR Services Connections, Director of BNRMC, President of Beijing Retio Legal and Commercial Service Center for BRI, and Hon. Kan Ting Chiu, Retired Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Singapore.
Chairman Lim Tat also moderated a lively panel discussion with country representatives which offered glimpses of the varying stages of mediation development in Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore and Australia. The speakers comprised:
Winston Siu Wing Yan (Hong Kong SAR)
Chairman of BNRMC Hong Kong Office, G2G Mediation Center
Jaya Sharam (India)
Member of the Commercial and Construction Panels of the AAA, Member of the FCIarb, Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Standing Committee for the Section of Dispute Resolution of the ABA, Member of the SCMA, SIMC, BNRMC
ZHU Cuiying (Korea)
Head of the Seoul Liaison Office for China-Japan-Korea International Commercial Mediation Center
Qin Tao (Shanghai)
Head of the Maritime Mediation Office of the BNRMC
Dr. Rajesh Sharma (Australia)
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
San Kiri (Cambodia)
President of National Commercial Arbitration Centre
Jia Hui (Laos)
Director of Laos Office, Deheng Law Offices
Jeff Leong Pak Lim (Malaysia)
Director of Borneo International Centre for Arbitration and Mediation(BICAM) and BNRMC, Co-Chair of BnR Committee of the Law Association For Asia And The Pacific(LAWASIA)
See Chern Yang (Singapore)
Director of Dispute Resolution, Drew and Napier; Co-chair of mediation committee for Law Society
Phan Trong Dat (Vietnam)
Acting Director of Vietnam Mediation Center