Emotional Intelligence When Mediating

Jul 29, 2022 | Activities, Events, Thought Leadership

Discussion Over Dinner with David Lim

For the second in-person event for 2022, SMP invited mediator David Lim (a former District Judge) to share his views on the application of emotional intelligence (EI) when mediating. Before hearing from David, attendees enjoyed a bento dinner and caught up over refreshments. There was also an open discussion for participants to share their own experiences in the application of EI in their mediations.

Society of Mediation Professionals Singapore | Workshop and Dinner Event
Society of Mediation Professionals Singapore | Mediators at a workshop and having dinner
Society of Mediation Professionals Singapore | David Lim with fellow mediators
Society of Mediation Professionals Singapore | Emotional Intelligence When Mediating Event

SMP would like to thank our venue sponsor, Maxwell Chambers.