The Society of Mediation Professionals was established in 2015 with the vision of professionalizing the mediation practice.
As we head into the new year, we remain steadfastly committed to adding value to our practice. We are beginning with the object of promoting and maintaining the standards of mediation in Singapore. It is in this spirit that we would like to announce the roll out of an SMP Charter and an SMP Professional Code of Conduct. The SMP Charter will encapsulate the collective aspirations of SMP’s mediators. The SMP Professional Code of Conduct will set ethical standards for all SMP mediators.
As we embark on this endeavour, the Executive Committee would like to invite members to contribute to the drafting of these crucial documents. Members who are keen can drop us an email at, and our working group will be quick to get in touch. We hope that the collaborative nature of this exercise will produce a Charter and Code that facilitates the professionalization of mediation practice.